Leather by GR

Okay, let’s try to get things going. I have not got use to using WordPress yet, the old brain takes a while to compute newer software, well newer to me.

So Leather byGR, is about my other hobby, or one of them. BYGR is my main domain.

I started about 5 or 6 years ago, after I purchased a banjo and needed a strap, which I wove on an Inkle loom, but had to attach it to the banjo. I purchased some very basic kit; leather squares, needles and thread, the rest is history, or to be precise, an all consuming hobby.

I turned the extension of the Garage into a workshop, was going to be a photo studio! but things developed, as they do. I took myself off to a leather craftsman for a day to learn some basic things, like saddle stitching and a few other things, thanks Nigel Armitage.

Many of the things I create, some are from patterns purchased from other leather workers but mainly I will find an image of a product and create my own pattern and template. I still have to get it into my head that a template is a good idea rather than working from technical drawings. Templates and making prototypes with cheap ‘split’ leather, helps greatly.
I have just finished and sent off a belt pouch for a mobile phone. The client, for want of a better word as I do not actively promote myself, wanted a pouch for a mobile phone. Firstly the phone was in a wallet type case, secondly the item was not in the country! so I had to ask for measurements and then double check them as the depth was a whopping 30mm! Next I fashioned a block of wood to the size I was given so I could make sure it would fit into the pouch I made. The prototype was a td snug, yes it fitted bit might be a little difficult to pull the phone out quickly. Good reason for the prototype! I finally created the ‘proper’ pouch out of shoulder leather and sent it off.

I am still experimenting with shapes so that my logo will fit on the back. In fact I am thinking about changing my logo as all hobbies and domains I have end in ‘by GR’, as you will notice by the blog name. Originally the logo was my initials plus a G clef to represent my love of music.
So folks, do I leave it as it is or redesign?

Now you see my dilemma.

I have not just made key rings,

Sporrans for my grown-up Grandchildren one Christmas, although the same coloured leather was used for each, they all had a slightly different design.

And what respecting lady would not have a couple of handbags?

The black bag came about because we sadly attended a funeral and Karen only had the brown bag above. So the next day we travelled to Northampton to ‘my’ leather supplier and as well as purchasing what I wanted, was persuaded to by some black Lamport. I designed and made the simple bag over the next two days.

I will leave it there for now, otherwise I will never get enough to whet the appetite for the next blog.

Till the next time, stay safe

Something More

Hello, yes it has been a while, too long. But with that ‘C’ word taking 2 years of our lives, plus for the last 4 years I have been vice Chairman the Chairman of the local Parish Council, without a lot of personal time. Having now stepped down and become a ‘back-bencher’ I have more time for my hobbies and for my partner in life.

For those who do not know, Parish Councillors are not paid they are volunteers doing it for the community in their own time. Yes, the Parish Council is supported by the precept, the taxes you pay to the Borough or County. This precept pays for dog bins, litter bins, pavement/street lighting, grass cutting and much more. But this isn’t a blog about Parish Councils.

So as you have seen I have migrated to the Olympus OM four thirds system and still getting use to the numerous settings apart from the main three, Aperture, Speed and ISO.

I still have my Nikon D810 and 4 lenses as they were my workhorses for many years. The reason for the ‘migration’ was weight. It was getting to make my arms and shoulders ache carrying just two lenses and a Nikon body about.
I could have gone for the ‘Z’ series on the Nikon, but then I would need adapters for the lenses I have or purchase the newer ‘Z’ lenses and as it is a hobby (Obsession) more than I could afford.

I am looking at another platform to show off my images, as the host I have had for the last few years became too expensive, watch this space.

We finally got away for a much needed holiday in August to one of our favourite places, Ireland, the republic of and to our friends over there.

Visited many places over the 2 weeks, plus two days around Chester.

Here are a few images to whet the appetite.

Chester Eastgate Clock
Rhuddlan Castle
Mallow Castle ruins
Donkey Sanctuary Liscarroll Ireland
Lusitania Memorial Garden Old Head Kinsale
Kylemore Abbey Ireland